Watch D.I. Ray on PBS Wisconsin (2024)

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Episodes from "+ord+"

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Watch Full Episodes

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Coming Soon

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Next Up:

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We currently have no upcoming episodes of this series scheduled for broadcast.

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Watch D.I. Ray on PBS Wisconsin (14)

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About this show


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Watch D.I. Ray on PBS Wisconsin (2024)


What channel can I watch D.I. Ray on? ›

D.I. Ray, a crime series starring Parminder Nagra, Bhavik Pankhania, and Che Cartwright is available to stream now. Watch it on Prime Video or Apple TV on your Roku device.

How can I watch PBS in Wisconsin? ›

Find all of your favorite PBS Wisconsin shows and content over-the-air, online at, streaming in the PBS app on your phone, tablet, Smart TV and Digital TV devices, and on local cable providers, satellite services and new live streaming TV services.

Is D.I. Ray on PBS masterpiece? ›

Parminder Nagra Stars in New Crime Thriller “DI Ray” Premiering on PBS Passport and The PBS Masterpiece Prime Video Channel February 20, 2023.

Where is PBS Wisconsin? ›

The state network is available via flagship station WHA-TV in Madison and five full-power satellite stations throughout most of Wisconsin. As of April 5, 2009, all stations have converted to digital-only transmissions. PBS Wisconsin is also available on most satellite and cable television outlets.

What channel is DI Ray? ›

DI Ray - Watch Episode - ITVX.

What streaming service is Ray on? ›

Watch Ray | Netflix Official Site.

How can I watch PBS for free? ›

Viewers can watch their local PBS station's livestream on the PBS website and app without needing to donate or pay a fee.

Is PBS a local channel? ›

To receive any local broadcast channel, including PBS, a digital over-the-air antenna can get you plenty of free TV with no subscription fees beyond the one-time purchase price of the unit.

How do I get the Wisconsin channel? ›

PBS Wisconsin's four channels – PBS Wisconsin, The Wisconsin Channel, Create and PBS Kids 24/7 – are available over the air via antenna and to all cable and satellite providers. Some cable and satellite providers offer all four, while others currently only offer the PBS Wisconsin flagship channel.

Are there only four episodes of D.I. Ray? ›

DI Ray stars Parminder Nagra in the title role as a detective inspector in a fictitious Birmingham-based police force. The cast also includes Gemma Whelan and Jamie Bamber. The first series of four episodes aired on ITV beginning 2 May 2022. The second series aired from 16 June 2024.

How many episodes is D.I. Ray? ›

What is the difference between PBS and PBS Masterpiece? ›

PBS Masterpiece is a completely separate on-demand streaming subscription service offered by Amazon. Although the two platforms share some of the same content, subscribing to Amazon Masterpiece channel does not grant access to Passport-exclusive videos on or the PBS Video app.

How to watch PBS Wisconsin? ›

Find all of your favorite PBS Wisconsin shows and content over-the-air, online at, streaming in the PBS app on your phone, tablet, Smart TV and Digital TV devices, and on local cable providers, satellite services and new live streaming TV services.

Who funds PBS Wisconsin? ›

Financial contributions from the community, including gifts from members like you, make up nearly half of PBS Wisconsin's operating budget. Your support is important — and deeply appreciated. Thank you for taking the time to become a member today.

Watch Live and On-Demand TV Shows - PBS ...PBS Wisconsin ›

Watch PBS Wisconsin online. Enjoy live and on-demand access to your favorite shows, documentaries, and educational content, all in one place.
PBS Wisconsin works every day to provide access to all of the educational programs, local favorites, trusted news and information, documentaries, classic dramas...


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PBS Wisconsin
Skip to content. PBS Wisconsin Logo · Donate · Watch. Watch Shows. On Demand · Live TV · Made in Wisconsin · Shows A-Z &middo...

Where can you watch season 1 of DI Ray? ›

Currently you are able to watch "DI Ray - Season 1" streaming on PBS Masterpiece Amazon Channel or buy it as download on Amazon Video, Apple TV.

Where can I watch DI Ray season 2 online for free? ›

Currently you are able to watch "DI Ray - Season 2" streaming on SBS On Demand for free with ads.

Will there be a season 2 of DI Ray on PBS? ›

D.I. RAY Season 2 premieres Sunday, June 16, 2024 on PBS. Two months after her suspension, D.I. Ray is thrust back into homicide after the fatal shooting of an innocent nurse and the head of a notorious crime family points to brewing tensions between rival crime families.

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Author: Patricia Veum II

Last Updated:

Views: 5884

Rating: 4.3 / 5 (64 voted)

Reviews: 95% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Patricia Veum II

Birthday: 1994-12-16

Address: 2064 Little Summit, Goldieton, MS 97651-0862

Phone: +6873952696715

Job: Principal Officer

Hobby: Rafting, Cabaret, Candle making, Jigsaw puzzles, Inline skating, Magic, Graffiti

Introduction: My name is Patricia Veum II, I am a vast, combative, smiling, famous, inexpensive, zealous, sparkling person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.